Summery 1

In the book “The bridge to Teribithia”. This kid moved to a farm his sisters are really mean to him and his Mom. And the Dad always takes the sisters side for everything. And in the book he is a fast runner and he thinks that he is going to be the fastest kid in 5th grade, So what he did is he ran all summer so he could be the fastest kid in 5th grade.

And in the book this girl moved to the farm next to him and than he saw her and that she came to his and they stared to talk. And on the first day of school she was the odd one out. And when it was break they  played a game were they ran and the girl joined in they game and there were groups like group 5 or group 6 and it goes on so he ran with them and she won.

And all the boys were mad at her and that on of the boys told her to go away and than she was getting mad at that kid living next to her and when they went on the bus she was still mad so than the grade 7s were coming on and he said “its time to go to our regular spot. And than this big girl came on the bus and she was a bully so she just gave them a dirty look and she was on her way. Than they got home and she wanted to talk to him and than his sister wanted to play with her and than she said no. That is all I read up to.